A short woman in a big coat stood in the gangway wearing a badge that
cutely said 'baby on board'. I saw her before with that badge, months
ago. Without the badge, absolutely no one would have thought this woman
was pregnant. A gallant knight in shining armour gave up his seat. She
took it with an air of entitlement; like it was hers and he was just
holding it for her. I don't think she's pregnant. I think she bought a
cheap badge and the investment has paid off a thousandfold. Cow.
I later saw a small man of the same build being led through a crowded
station by an attendant. He had a cane and was clearly pretending to be
blind. The bastard. I could no longer take this abuse of people's
kindness. I pushed the rascal to the ground and began to beat him with
his cane. He put on a great show of being in distress, rolling on his
back and crying like a baby. The attendant screamed for help. I ran off
as I could hear the gendarmes approaching. I think this one was actually